Monday, January 14, 2008

Hey Everyone
We had a busy December. Kayla was on holiday from preschool for almost two months and I didn’t know how she was going to do with the change in routine but we have seen so much growth in her this past month. Thank you for all of your prayers we see them reaching into her little spirit. She has become more peaceful, playing with Emma more, and the biggest change has been in bonding more with Eric. That was one of our major prayers was that she wouldn’t be so attached to mom but that she would go to Eric more often. She has played so well with him this past month and really loved swimming with Dad in the pools at the beach. She is back to school tomorrow with a new teacher and we are hoping the adjustment goes well. She is continuing to get therapy once a week from a great European lady who is an Occupational therapist and will start speech therapy this month. Our big prayer request now is that the insurance will cover both services.

Emma continues to grow quickly using so many words and sentences. She is in the independent stage and loves to do most things on her own. She too will start preschool tomorrow for a few mornings a week. She loves to play with her babies and color. She also loves to follow Kayla around and do whatever she is doing. She continues to be a sweet natured little girl and loves to play with others. Although she is honing the skill on how to push big sister’s buttons. How do they learn that so quickly. In another couple of months we are going to try potty training.

Eric really enjoyed being off school this past month as he had about 4 weeks total off with all of the holidays and then political stuff. He has caught up on sleep and watching movies. He had planned to hike Mt. Kenya with the guys on our team but because of all the political stuff the trip was postponed. He has really enjoyed being able to teach Bible at school and this semester is going to teach New Testament/Basic Theology/Apologetics. He will be preparing to start the new 11th grade and helping continue to get the school ready for accredidation.
With both girls in preschool several days a week I am hoping to start/host a woman’s Bible study on Tuesdays and to also catch up on some fun activities that have been neglected (scrapbooking and time to myself J ) Please pray for me as we institute a home therapy program for Kayla this month which involves 30 min of specific play each day. This will be as much a new habit for me as for Kayla. We have been praying for quite some time to really meet a few couples and make some deep friendships and we have really been able to connect with two couples this month and look forward to deepening our relationships with them so that is an answer to a long prayed prayer. We hope you are well and would love to hear from you. Take 1 minute today and connect with us.

The Gibsons


Trying to Love, Laugh & Live said...

Hey Kara! I hadn't seen your blog in a while, so it was good to catch up.

We continue to pray for Kayla and for all of you!

Our love is sent to all of you!
Heidi, for Eric too

Cherina said...

Hi Kara, I've been thinking about you and the family and wondering how things are going. Glad to read you are all OK.

It's fun to see how the girls are growing. Jen's kids, Cora (5), Jonah (31/2) and Jeremiah (1/12) keep her really busy. The boys both have birthdays in May. The boys have had some health issues but are better now.

Take care and remember you are all on my prayer list. Cherina