Wednesday, June 18, 2008

School is out! Yeah

Hey everyone

Wow where did the time go since our last update. The last month of school is always so hectic. I can't tell you how many graduation and goodbye parties we went to. This end of the year was tough for us as we said goodbye to many good teachers we have grown to love. We finished this year in a whirlwind with Eric trying to get a front office program going for the entire school before the year ended. This program will help with schedules, grades, and general info. This year the kids in the Jr. High and High school dedicated the yearbook to Eric. He was surprised and honored, I still think he's the best teacher they have but I am a little prejudiced. This summer we are just sticking clost to home and trying to recuperate. Eric will work some this summer trying to plan for his new AP Biology class and a new Bible class called Chrisitians in the media. This summer we are welcoming The Ommen family to our school and he will be the principal for the high school. We are hoping this will relieve Eric of the many Administration responsibilities he has had for the last 3 years.

The past two weeks my parents have been here visiting. We had a great time doing daily life with them here. The first week of June we celebrated Kayla's birthday and then we went to the coast for four days. The weather was a little cold but we had fun playing on the beach. My dad was able to snorkel on the reef at the coast and my mom loved connecting with the many missionaries who were vacationing at the coast. The girls loved making sand castles and taking walks on the beach to find treasures.

It is always fun having family here as they can share our life for a little while, offer encouragement and really give us the love we miss from family.

This month we plan on continuing to recuperate and

to get in shape. Eric is planning on hiking Mt. Kenya in early July with the guys on our team. They plan on driving about 5 hours to the base of the mountain and then its about a two day hike up and back. It sounds hard but fun. They will pitch tents on the way up and have a guide to show them the trail. In the middle of July we have our new High school Principal coming and then end of July we will be coordinating the new staff orientation. The girls will still be in preschool so hopefully mom and dad can have some time to hang out together. We hope you are doing well.

Will you pray with us for our monthly support. We have been consistently undersupported since we returned last year due to loss of supporters and the recession. Our fiscal year is coming to a close and we are in the red for the first time. We will be sending out more information in our next paper newsletter but will you pray with us for the Lord's leading in this financial situation.


Kara for the Gibsons